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How Toget Witcher 3 Serial Key From Gog: No Download Required


The pair recover Uma to the abandoned witcher school of Kaer Morhen where Yennefer successfully removes Uma's curse, transforming him into Avallac'h. He reveals that he teleported Ciri to the Isle of Mists to save her from the Lofoten attack. Geralt travels to the Isle and finds Ciri in a deathlike state until she is awakened by Avallac'h's magic. Ciri reveals that the King of the Wild Hunt, Eredin's homeworld is being destroyed by a plight known as the White Frost, and he wants Ciri's power in order to conquer the Continent. Ciri and Geralt teleport to Kaer Morhen pursued by the Wild Hunt. After a brief reunion with Yennefer, Triss, and their witcher mentor Vesemir, the Hunt attacks. Vesemir is killed protecting Ciri and her distress causes her to uncontrollably unleash her Elder power leading Eredin and the Hunt to retreat. Geralt, Yennefer, Triss, Ciri, and their allies then hold a funeral for Vesemir.

How Toget Witcher 3 Serial Key From Gog



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